UNC1884 is a financially motivated threat group that has been active since at least October 2021, leveraging sophisticated tactics and techniques to carry out their attacks. One of the tactics used by UNC1884 is to send emails with lures such as resumes and job openings.
Once the victim clicks on the link contained in the email, they are directed to a website that appears to be a personal website. However, the website is actually a fake website used by UNC1884 to spread the BULLZLINK payload. BULLZLINK payload is malicious software used by UNC1884 to gain access to the victim's system and steal sensitive data.
After successfully infiltrating the victim's network, UNC1884 will install malware such as SQUIDSLEEP and SQUIDGATE. SQUIDSLEEP is malware designed to steal sensitive data such as login information and passwords. Meanwhile, SQUIDGATE is malware used to create a secure gateway for UNC1884 to access the victim's network.
To prevent attacks from threat groups like UNC1884, companies should take preventive measures such as updating their security software with the latest patches, providing security training to employees, testing security systems regularly, and having a good disaster recovery plan in place in case of an attack.
In addition, companies should also pay attention to the techniques and tactics used by UNC1884 to carry out attacks. One tactic used by UNC1884 is to use social engineering tricks by leveraging themes such as resumes and job openings. Therefore, companies can increase security awareness among employees and strengthen their security policies to reduce the risk of attacks from these social engineering tricks.
To reduce the risk of malicious software such as BULLZLINK, companies should implement advanced security technologies such as AI-based threat detection systems. Furthermore, companies should use advanced security technologies to protect their sensitive data and ensure that sensitive data is stored securely and encrypted.