DDoS Attacks Disrupt Critical Public Services in Indonesia

DDoS Attacks Disrupt Critical Public Services in Indonesia

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks pose a significant potential threat to systems serving the public. Such attacks can disrupt critical public services, including government websites, online banking, and electronic healthcare services, causing significant disruptions for the general populace.

By leveraging botnet networks comprised of thousands of infected computers, attackers can obstruct access to these resources by inundating the target servers with massive amounts of internet traffic. Consequently, essential everyday services such as access to information, financial transactions, or medical services may be disrupted, potentially resulting in financial losses and health risks for those reliant on these systems.

Recently, DDoS attacks have surged in Indonesia due to a series of attacks initiated by hackers from India. These attacks appear to be in response to prior actions targeting Indonesia and represent a tit-for-tat situation. This retaliation involves various tactics, including website defacement and DDoS attacks, disrupting the operational efficiency of the targeted websites.

Figure 1: Next target indonesia
One sample target was set several weeks ago.

Several Indonesian websites have become targets of DDoS attacks, particularly in the healthcare, military, airport, police, ISP providers, and financial sectors, including banks. The attacks, while temporary in nature, can significantly disrupt ongoing operations as the targeted servers are inundated with traffic.

Evidence provided by the Indian hackers indicates that their targets have experienced downtime. However, upon validation, it appears that access has been restored or remains accessible. This suggests that the DDoS attacks launched by the Indian hackers were not sustained for extended periods, and they ceased once their objectives were met – typically when a website went down. Afterward, access returned to normal within a short timeframe.

In light of these attacks, it is imperative to consider the implementation of Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) as a defense against DDoS attacks for critical public-facing websites. Such security measures are essential to ensuring the resilience of vital online services, safeguarding public access, and mitigating the impact of these malicious attacks.